More stressful to care for spouse than mom

patient_in_hospitalTHE WASHINGTON POST | Online – 19 May 2014 – You promise “in sickness and in health,” but a new poll shows becoming a caregiver to a frail spouse causes more stress than having to care for mom, dad or even the in-laws.1 Americans 40 and older say they count on their families to care for them as they age, with good reason: Half of them already have been caregivers to relatives or friends, the poll found. But neither the graying population nor the loved ones who ex-pect to help them are doing much planning for long-term care. In fact, people are far more likely to disclose their funeral plans to friends and family than reveal their preferences for assistance with day-to-day living as they get older. And while 8 in 10 people who’ve been caregivers called it a positive experience, it’s also incredibly difficult…read more

An article from Media Watch, compiled and annotated by Barry R. Ashpole (Ontario, Canada). More reports can be found at IPCRC.NET

Published on: 27 May, 2014 | Last modified: 27 May, 2014