We all grieve for lost loved ones. Here’s how one photographer dealt with it in his own way.

This article was originally from PCAeNews.

Erik Simander pursued the photo project to cope with the sudden loss of his grandmother. Through it, he managed to spend time with his grandfather, helping him cope with the sudden death of his wife, before his eventual passing. “The death of one partner before the other—is inevitable, and the subject is maybe a bit taboo. No one likes to talk about it, but it happens.” -Erik Simander

Read the full article here.


A picture is worth a thousand words. Hold a photo exhibition to celebrate World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2017: Universal Health Coverage and Palliative Care – Don’t leave those suffering behind. Email us at aphn@aphn.org to let us know what activities will you be having to celebrate and support hospice and palliative care.

Published on: 22 August, 2017 | Last modified: 22 August, 2017