Using morphine to stay alive

From Pallium India Newsletter

Zubair had intolerable pain from what had been diagnosed as giant cell tumor. 3 step-wise amputations later, he was in agonising pain – like needles being stabbed into him all the time.
He lost his job.
He lost his home.
He had to send his children to an orphanage.

In 1994 he was started on morphine. He has to take it even now.
But today, he is earning. He works all day, still on morphine.
He brought his children back from the orphanage. They had an education and are grown up men and women now, earning for themselves.

An estimated more than 75 per cent of the world’s population, or 5.5 billion individuals, have limited or no access to treatment for moderate to severe pain, according to a report by the UN International Narcotics Control Board – the body charged with the implementation of the UN drug conventions. Help us share this video to let more people know about the need for pain relief for people like Zubair.

Published on: 6 June, 2016 | Last modified: 6 June, 2016