Meet Your Council: Ms Tan Soh Keng

Ms Tan Soh Keng is currently the Deputy Director at Alexandra Health Fund Limited in Singapore and is serving as APHN’s Assistant Secretary.

How do you approach setting and achieving goals?

It is important to set collective goals of members, based on Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results of our organisation. Continuous review and adjust according to results and feedback from members, with a vision to achieve the aspirations of the organisation. Goals must be short term and long term, especially long term focus is necessary to ensure organisation stays relevant.

What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever visited?

Hard to pinpoint on one but Southern France – Provence is one which I have most impressions of, and would go back again and again, because of the scenery, landscape, culture and art. A nice holiday place – enjoy the lifestyle of the people there – free and easy, sipping on coffee and freshly baked croissants, watching people walking by.

What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know?

I enjoy taking glamour shots – building my own collection each year – thanks to the free voucher from Raffles Town Club. I enjoy looking at past photos for good memories – trips, food, happy times etc.

Published on: 11 September, 2024 | Last modified: 11 September, 2024