‘Doctor, Where Art Thou?’

Doctor_patient_640THE NEW YORK TIMES | Online — 14 November 2013 — Dr Daniel M. Geynisman felt as if he had abandoned his patient, a sickening sensation.  A 65-year-old man with metastasized gall bladder cancer had developed intractable pain before the doctor went away on vacation.  By the time Dr Geynisman returned, the patient was enrolled in hospice; he died soon thereafter.  The oncologist never saw him again…read more

“About a month later, I received a package of century-old books that he had been reading during one of his hospitalizations (we shared a love of antique books). This gift moved me deeply and, at the same time, gave me a striking sense of guilt; it made me wonder if I had failed my patient by not walking with him to the end as I had promised.” ~ Dr Geynisman

An article from Media Watch, compiled and annotated by Barry R. Ashpole (Ontario, Canada). More reports can be found at IPCRC.NET

Published on: 19 November, 2013 | Last modified: 19 November, 2013