6 August, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
The Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network will be hosting a webinar on ‘Weaving indigenous ways of knowing into Paediatric Palliative Care’ on 6 Aug 2024 (Tues), 1-2 pm (Singapore Time). We are honoured to have Dr Tess Moeke-Maxwell and Dr Gemma Aburn as our speakers for this session!
To check your local time for the webinar, click here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
This presentation will explore how integrating indigenous ways of knowing can ensure cultural competence and enhance clinical care delivery for children and their whānau. Māori are tangata whenua (people of the land) and the indigenous population in Aotearoa New Zealand. We will discuss how we have woven a Te Āo Māori (Māori worldview) and tikanga (cultural customs) into the provision of paediatric palliative care in Aotearoa.
Dr Tess Moeke-Maxwell (Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki & Ngāti Porou) is a Senior Research Fellow and co-director of the Te Ārai Palliative Care and End of Life Research Group at the School of Nursing, University of Auckland. Tess leads Kaupapa Māori Research projects on behalf of Te Ārai’s Kāhui Kaumātua advisory group to improve end of life and palliative care for Māori who have serious illness and their whānau (family, including extended family). Tess and her team use Arts-based Knowledge Translation methods to disseminate research findings to whānau Māori and health professionals. Tess is a member of the Ministry of Health’s newly formed Palliative Care Advisory Group.
In 2022 the Royal Society of NZ awarded Tess and Te Ārai the NZ Health Research Council’s Te Tohu Rapuora Medal for research excellence with Māori communities. Tess was also selected as one of New Zealand’s 100 Māori Leaders as part of the Henry Rongomau Bennett Foundation Leadership Strategy based on her contributions to Indigenous end of life care research; In 2021, Tess and her team launched a Māori website to support whānau caregivers and New Zealand health professionals: https://www.teipuaronui.co.nz
Dr. Gemma Aburn is a Nurse Specialist in children’s palliative care at Starship Child Health in Auckland, New Zealand. Gemma also holds an academic appointment at the University of Auckland in the School of Nursing. Gemma is part of the Te Ārai Palliative and End of Life Care research group. She also established and leads the Child & Youth Health Nursing Collaborative in the School of Nursing at the University of Auckland. Gemma is actively involved in education throughout the continuum of undergraduate, postgraduate and professional development of health professionals working with children with serious illness.
The webinar will be hosted via Zoom. Register here: https://bit.ly/44YxNQa