Dear friends and colleagues,
In the spirit of solidarity, the four global palliative care organizations [the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC), the International Children’s Palliative Care Network (ICPCN), Palliative Care in Humanitarian Aid Situations and Emergencies (PALCHASE), and the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance (WHPCA)] joined forces to develop a project on Palliative Care and COVID-19.
The four organizations invited experts from around the world to produce a series of Briefing Notes followed by weekly webinars. We hope that the Briefing Notes and webinars will serve to strengthen health systems and further integrate palliative care in policies and national health strategies.
The Briefing Notes and links to the Webinars will be posted on the Global Palliative Care COVID-19 website as resources free of charge to users. We will be using the WHPCA webinar platform for the webinars. The first webinar of the series will be this coming Friday April 17th and will focus on Health systems and Issues specific to Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Speakers include:
How Pandemics affect Health Systems and Resource Allocation: Impact for Palliative Care
Professor Liz Grant, MD. Professor of Global Health and Development/ Director Global Health Academy, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland. | Professor Felicia M. Knaul, PhD. Director of the Miami Institute for the Americas at the University of Miami College of Arts & Sciences, University of Miami, IAHPC board member, USA. |
Issues specific to Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Resources, Cultural and Social issues
Dr. Emmanuel Luyirika, MD Executive Director of the African Palliative Care Association (APCA), Kampala, Uganda. | Dr. Ednin Hamzah, MD is the Chief Executive Officer of Hospis Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
Duration: 90 minutes. Presentations will be 10minutes, followed by a Q&A session.
Friday 17th April8 AM EST/ 1 PM UK / 12 Noon UTC / 8PM SINGAPORE