Life’s last milestone: Why a “good death” matters

20140217-1THE GLOBAL & MAIL | Online — 14 February 2014 — David McMaster was dying. What shocked his family was the way it happened. “We were robbed of the chance to say a proper goodbye,” says his daughter Susan. Mr McMaster, 80, had been in and out of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in 2010 with a series of complex circulatory and kidney problems. Eventually he also contracted C difficile, a hospital based-infection. After a week in the Intensive Care Unit on a breathing machine, doctors decided nothing more could be done; it was time to move him to “comfort care.” But the only available bed was on a general medicine ward with two other patients…read more

An article from Media Watch, compiled and annotated by Barry R. Ashpole (Ontario, Canada). More reports can be found at IPCRC.NET

Published on: 17 February, 2014 | Last modified: 17 February, 2014