Meet Your Council: Dr Karin Estepa Garcia

Dr Karin Estepa Garcia is currently the Chairperson at the University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital/ Department of Family and Community Medicine and is serving as APHN’s Assistant Treasurer.

What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on in your career so far?

I could say winning the hosting bid (Philippines) for the 2026 WONCA Asia Pacific Conference. As Chair of the upcoming conference, it took us 1 year to prepare for the bid. There were local regulations and processes which needed to be accomplished and these would include regional hosting, budget request and approval and promotional bid video/ manuscript. It was an exciting experience presenting and bidding on an international platform, a change from the usual lectures and research presentations.

How do you celebrate your successes?

With the team who helped make every venture, decision and act a success. I likewise, take note of the best and worst practices from each successful activity and ensure I apply the lessons in forthcoming activities.

What’s a place you’ve always wanted to visit but haven’t yet?


Published on: 25 September, 2024 | Last modified: 25 September, 2024