Meet Your Council: Mr Wayne Naylor

Mr Wayne Naylor is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Hospice New Zealand Incorporated and is serving as APHN’s Honorary Secretary.

What’s a project or accomplishment that you’re particularly proud of?

I remain very proud of my very first book publication – The Royal Marsden Hospital Handbook of Wound Management in Cancer Care. I was lead Editor for the book and wrote much of the content, and I even developed some of the diagrams in the book. It was an interesting process going through the content development with a number of topic experts and then coordinating the publication process.

What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend?

My favorite way to spend a weekend is to get away from the city and go fly fishing for trout! We have some amazing places in New Zealand to go fishing and it gets me outdoors into nature. The challenge of fly fishing takes all your concentration so work and stress fade into the background, and the success of catching a big trout can be exhilarating.

How do you stay healthy and active with a busy schedule?

Spending time in nature is very uplifting for me, that is a great thing about my fly fishing hobby, but I also like to go walking and I do Pilates twice a week. I also recently joined a local Pest Free group trapping pest animals (rats, stoats, weasels) to protect our native birds, this involves walking in the forest near my house to check traps. I recently changed my diet to eat more healthily and lose some weight and it has made me feel much better. And I do my work over 9 days a fortnight and so have an extra day off – to go fishing!

Published on: 3 September, 2024 | Last modified: 3 September, 2024