MHS 2022 Bundle

With the success of our Mandarin Hospice Summit (MHS) in October 2022, we are now offering you the chance to purchase our MHS 2022 Recording Bundle to access the recordings from ALL SESSIONS!

What is included:

  1. Palliative Care Leadership Development in Asia| 亚洲安宁疗护领导力发展
    Speaker: 赖允亮 Enoch Lai ; Moderator: 方俊凯 Fang Chun Kai
  2. A look at Cultural influence on Hospice and Palliative Care | 看看文化对临终关怀和安宁疗护的影响
    Speaker: 周燕雯 Amy Chow ; Moderator: 方俊凯 Fang Chun Kai
  3. Palliative Care development in the region (Closer look at Quality of Death and Dying) | 亚太地区的安宁疗护发展(仔细研究死亡和临终的质量)
    Speaker: Eric Andrew Finkelstein ; Moderator: 宁晓红 Ning Xiao Hong
  4. A look at various palliative care development models | 探讨各种安宁疗护发展模式
    Speaker: 王英伟 Wang Ying Wei ; Moderator: 严常峰 Giam Cheong Leong
  5. How health systems deliver services from illness to bereavement | 卫生系统如何提供疾病到丧亲之痛的服务?
    Speaker: 方俊凯 Fang Chun Kai ; Moderator: 严常峰 Giam Cheong Leong
  6. Sharing by Three Palliative Care Teams:
    – 迎风前行,扬帆远航 (Speaker: 北京海淀医院)
    – 回顾过去,展望未来 (Speaker: 四川华西四院)
    – 折翅天使享有生命最后的荣光 (Speaker: 南京儿童医院)
    Moderator: 袁国强 Yuen Kwok Keung
  7. Role of Palliative Care Nurse in Different Care Settings | 安宁疗护护士在不同安宁疗护环境中的作用
    Speakers: 徐志珍 Xu Zhi Zhen Susan/ 谢月欣 Chia Gerk Sin/ 叶丽萍 Emily Yap ; Moderator: 沙蕊 Sha Rui
  8. ACP developmental model | 预先护理计划发展模式
    Speaker: 朱婷婷 Zhu Tingting ; Moderator: 陈裕丽 Helen Chan
  9. China Palliative Care Development and Implications – Present & Future | 中国安宁疗护的发展和意义—现在和未来
    Speaker: 宁晓红 Ning Xiao Hong ; Moderator: 秦苑 Qin Yuan


USD$30 for APHN Members
USD$40 for Non-members

To purchase, fill in the form below and make your payment.

Published on: 20 January, 2023 | Last modified: 20 January, 2023