What is grief?

25082014Everybody grieves – it’s a natural part of living. Most people are familiar with the grief that comes when someone experienced the death of a loved one. But that’s not the only time we experience grief. Some other life events like the end of a relationship, the loss of a job and moving from a place we love can also trigger grief.

Grief can come at different times – sometimes when we least expect it. Grief has been described as a roller coaster with lots of ups and downs. Some of those hills might be really big, especially at first, and some of the twists and turns can take a person by surprise.

Some of the things you might experience if you are grieving are:

  • Change in your mood, sleeping routine, fatigue or lethargy
  • Lack of enjoyment doing things you used to enjoy
  • Feeling empty and numb, as if you are in a state of shock
  • Physical responses such as nausea, trouble breathing, crying, confusion, lack of energy, dry mouth, or changes in sleeping and eating patterns
  • Anger—at a situation, a person or in general
  • Guilt about what you did or did not do
  • Withdrawal from family and friends
  • Difficulty focusing, working or making decisions
  • Questions about faith or spirituality; challenges to the meaning, value and purpose you find in life

It is important to remember that no two people grieve the same way, and grief is not something you just “get over”. You need to give yourself time to adjust to the loss in your life.  You will never forget about that person, but you’ll find that you make that loss a part of your life…read more

From ehospice

Published on: 25 August, 2014 | Last modified: 25 August, 2014